Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ohio man, 87, skydives to aid sick great-grandson

WAYNESVILLE, Ohio (AP) An 87-year-old World War II veteran has parachuted from a plane in an Ohio to support his ailing great-grandson.

Clarence Turner of Fairfield made the jump Saturday with an instructor. He says he wanted to generate attention for the plight of 10-month-old Julian Couch, who suffers from a lung disease that could require a transplant.

WLWT of Cincinnati reports that ( Julian is hospitalized in Columbus. A fundraiser is planned for June 2.

Turner also made a jump at age 85 to fulfill a goal to experience freefalling and landing as he did in the Army. He served from 1944-47, and his last jump was in Japan.

Turner says he also hopes to someday make a parachute jump at an older age than former President George H.W. Bush, who's 88.