Sunday, September 1, 2013

George Clooney Gets Into Hot Water Over Venice Taxi Ride

"When George Clooney gets into trouble, it's of the glamorous kind, naturally.

City authorities are investigating the 52-year-old Oscar winner, who is in Italy for the Venice Film Festival to promote his new outer space film with Sandra Bullock, "Gravity," after allegedly piloting a gondola taxi boat through the city's waterways.

Italian newspaper Corriere del Veneto reports that a complaint was made by a local Venetian lawyer, Mario D'Elia, after Clooney — once sporting a T-shirt advertising his Casamigos tequila brand and another time in a blazer and button down with Bullock in tow — was photographed at the helm of a water taxi. Piloting a city vehicle requires a professional nautical license, as well as a city permit.

"I asked the authorities to go to the Hotel Cipriani to see if Clooney has a nautical license," D'Elia confirmed to the paper.

Clooney's rep has not yet responded to omg!'s request for comment, but Vanity Fair reports the actor did reference the boat ride during the "Gravity" press conference, jokingly calling his turn at the wheel the most dangerous thing he's ever done. However, if found guilty, the paper reports it is not Clooney who would be fined, but the boat's owner. Venice has been cracking down on water taxi laws after a German tourist was killed when a water ferry collided with a gondola in the city's Grand Canal.

What do you think? Should Clooney be reprimanded if he didn't have a permit? Tell us in the comments!"