Monday, September 2, 2013

Nelson Mandela Released From Hospital, Still in Critical Condition

"Nelson Mandela has been discharged from the hospital, the Associated Press reports.

The former South African president, still in critical condition, was released Sunday from the Pretoria hospital where he had been hospitalized for the last nearly three months. He was taken by ambulance to his Johannesburg home where he'll receive intensive care.

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"His home has been reconfigured to allow him to receive intensive care there," President Jacob Zuma's office said in a statement. "The health care personnel providing care at his home are the very same who provided care to him in hospital. If there are health conditions that warrant another admission to hospital in future, this will be done."

Mandela, 95, was admitted on June 8 for what the government described as a recurring lung infection.Few other details about his illness have been released due to Mandela's privacy and patient confidentiality. Mandela has been vulnerable to respiratory problems since he contracted tuberculosis during his 27-year imprisonment for his opposition to apartheid."