Friday, December 20, 2013

‘Rich Kids of Instagram’ Will Soon Show Off Lavish Lifestyles on New Television Show

"Brace yourselves. Tumblr's "The Rich Kids of Instagram" is getting its own reality show. Deadline confirmed that the E! Entertainment network is producing an unscripted reality show on the 20-somethings featured in the blog's photos. Daily activities that are sure to be documented include popping magnum bottles of pricey Champagne and flying high in private jets. Oh yes, and taking photos of exotic animals atop luxury cars. The name of the show is very original. Wait for it. "The Rich Kids of Beverly Hills." As far as we know, the premise is pretty complex: cute young people with tons of money and lots of free time spending money on the basics, including Ferraris, "bottles that cost more than your car," lions, jets, yachts, and of course, bling. Some of the rich kids include Mitt Romney's granddaughter, the Dell CEO's daughter, Stephanie Seymour's son, and various Hiltons, among other young millionaire and billionaire elite youths. Think of it as a glitzy combination of the 1994 film "Richie Rich" and the ever-popular "Girls Gone Wild." The blog says, "They have more money than you and this is what they do." It's unclear when we'll be able to start living vicariously through these kids, as a premiere date has not been announced. More likely than not, viewers will love a reality show featuring big-spending youngsters bragging about their lives of luxury and showing the world how cool they are. Move over, Housewives. A representative of Tumblr emailed the Atlantic to say they are "not associated with this.""