Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Teresa Giudice Vacations in the Hamptons Amid Legal Woes

"Just because they were indicted on 39 counts of fraud last week and face up to 50 years in prison doesn't mean Teresa and Joe Giudice were going to cancel their vacation plans. In a move that shows either great resiliency or serious denial, Teresa and Joe hit the beach (with their daughters in tow) a mere few days after their highly publicized court appearance. Teresa first tweeted on August 1 that she was headed to the Hamptons — Long Island, New York's summer playground for the ultrarich — and then followed it up with a bevy of Instagram pics showing her family eating, cooking, and having fun. After exiting the courthouse last Monday, she had vowed to "maintain" her family's lives "in the best way possible," and — based on these snapshots—she seems to be succeeding ... for now. Teresa looked like she didn't have a care in the world as she frolicked in a sexy cutout bathing suit and turquoise cowboy hat. As if an advertisement for how happy her marriage is, she posted one photo featuring herself and Joe knee-deep in the surf with the caption, "Me and my honey…" Another showed Teresa's youngest, Audriana, perched on her mother's back as the two girls smile into the camera. In a third snapshot, Joe helps Milania ride her boogie board. In other words, this looks more like a family living the American dream than facing public humiliation and jail time. What's more, despite the fact that both she and Joe were forced to surrender their passports and ordered by the judge not to leave the New Jersey/ New York area, Teresa confirmed that she will, in fact, be in the sunny state of Florida come this weekend. "I'll be at Pangaea in Hollywood, FL this Saturday… come say hello! #pangaearocks" she tweeted on Tuesday. Though it's likely that this trip is work-related (she is a cookbook author, after all) and was scheduled prior to the Giudice's court appearance, we still can't help but get the feeling that Teresa isn't giving all that much credence to the possibility that she may land behind bars. Shortly after tweeting about her visit to Florida, the reality star added, "About me not being able to leave NJ & NY don't believe the rumors out there. Most things people saying just aren't true." While we see her point, we still have to wonder whether she's the most reliable source on this matter right now. "