Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's a Girl for Alec and Hilaria Baldwin!

"Hollywood's baby boom continues!

Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria Thomas welcomed a baby girl Friday.

"We are overjoyed to announce the birth of our daughter Carmen Gabriela," Hilaria announced on Twitter. "She is absolutely perfect."

The couple — who wed in June 2012 — confirmed that she was pregnant in February.

"We're having a baby! It was a surprise, a wonderful surprise," Hilaria told "Extra" (she is a lifestyle correspondent for the show).

"There's a scream I heard, which is a scream normally reserved if there's a spider in the house, not exaggerating," the 55-year-old actor chimed in. "Normally, I will be reading a book. We're in the country, it's quiet, some time to really relax and unwind and sometimes, once a month, you hear, 'Ahhh, Alec, Alec!' I come upstairs, and there's a spider on the wall. So then I hear that scream again, but it was not a spider."

"It was followed by, 'I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant!'" continued the yoga instructor. "He runs up the stairs and I'm holding it [the test] and showing it to him."

"We can joke all about it, but it's honestly the most amazing moment," added Baldwin. "We are really sharing something special."

Alec is already a dad to daughter Ireland, 17, whom he had with ex-wife Kim Basinger.

The model is obviously excited about welcoming a sibling. Just after news of the baby broke, she posted a touching, sometimes funny letter to her baby sister offering advice for life, everything from choosing a boyfriend to how to conduct herself at parties.

"Hopefully by the time you read and understand this, we'll be best friends, sitting in some rad coffee shop in Brooklyn, talking about bands and how hot Channing Tatum used to be hot," the teen wrote.

Ireland also warned Carmen that life in the spotlight comes with challenges.

"You have parents who are in the public eye," she noted. A lot of people are going to want to be your friend because of it. Don't buy everyone dinner or tickets to the One Direction reunion concert because you feel obligated to do it."

She ended the post with a sweet message.

"I love you, Carmen," Ireland continued. "You have been born into one crazy family. You are both lucky and cursed at the same time. We are going to have so fun much fun together. I can't wait to meet you soon. I promise you I will always be there for you no matter what!""