Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jennifer Aniston Brings an Old Friend to Mexico

"Jennifer Aniston isn't saying goodbye to summer just yet. The 44-year-old actress traveled down to Mexico for some R&R with her fiancĂ©, Justin Theroux, as well as pals Jason Bateman and his wife, Amanda Anka. But those weren't the only trusted friends who joined Aniston for the jaunt — The sun-worshipper also brought the tiny red bikini and matching sarong she had worn during her trip to Cabo San Lucas last December. (As any girl knows, when you find a bathing suit that works for you, you stick with it.) And we can see why the "We're the Millers" star has grown so fond of this one. The cheerful shade and skimpy cut perfectly compliment her tan, toned physique. While there are many celebrities who wouldn't be caught dead being photographed in the same thing twice, Aniston is obviously comfortable sticking with tried-and-true styles she knows work for her. Bravo to the future Mrs. Theroux. Which brings us to another point: Justin (with his washboard abs) doesn't look too shabby either. Though there has been massive speculation as to when these two — who have been engaged for just more than a year — will finally tie the knot, they look completely smitten with each other as they kiss in the pool. But the vacation wasn't all about romance. Aniston and Theroux spent plenty of time chilling with Bateman and his better half as well, and from the looks of it, all four had a pretty fabulous time hanging out in what's rumored to be Jen's favorite vacation spot. We bet, however, that no one had more fun than Jen. She's in a gorgeous place with her doting fiance surrounded by friends and looking better than ever... and there's isn't anything more delightful than that."