Friday, August 23, 2013

Robert Pattinson Slams Twilight Fans: What Do They Do All Day?

"Fans of the Twilight franchise may be wishing for Edward Cullen to return, but Robert Pattinson hopes to keep the vampire sage in the past — as well as his nickname "R-Patz." During a recent and very revealing sit-down interview with the German edition of Interview magazine, the 27-year-old heartthrob admits he can't stand his abbreviated nickname.

"I'd like to strangle the guy who came up with it!" he admits. Referring to him as "some fat celebrity blogger," the British actor admits he knows the culprit, but doesn't let on to a specific name.

Pattinson also shares his feelings about diehard Twilight fans. "What's really weird about Twilight fans is that they're not really teenagers. Most of them are older. Twilight has its own fan culture that existed from day one. And in an intense way that didn't exist before," he says. "Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with Twilight."

The Cosmopolis actor isn't the only one who wants to move on from the Twilight franchise. Author Stephenie Meyer recently told Variety she's "so over" the vampire series and hopes to stay clear of future installments. "I get further away [from Twilight] every day. For me, it's not a happy place to be," she said.

Adding, "What I would probably do is three paragraphs on my blog saying which of the characters died. I'm interested in spending time in other worlds, like [J.R.R. Tolkien's] Middle-Earth."

This article originally appeared on Robert Pattinson Slams Twilight Fans: What Do They Do All Day?"