Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lady Gaga’s Top 10 Awards Show Looks…So Far

"It's strange to think that Lady Gaga has been attending major awards shows for only five years. Her wardrobe has made more of an impact and created more of an uproar than most attendees manage in an entire career. While many other pop stars dress for attention, Gaga still is the one to beat; Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry may come close, but they can't compete just yet. With Gaga opening the MTV Video Music Awards this year and surely wearing something outrageous for the occasion, we're getting a head start on the inevitable fashion mania by looking back at some of the Lady's best awards-show looks. We've narrowed it down to the best 10 in terms of fit, materials, shape/volume...and, most importantly, audience impact. Let's take a look at Lady Gaga's top 10 awards show fashion moments. --Tiffany Lee"